Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1H

Much of the high-quality online educational content is available in English, which many Afghan girls may not understand fluently.

Creating educational content that is culturally relevant and available in local languages.

Develop mobile-friendly educational platforms that can be accessed via smartphones, which are more prevalent than computers.

Most of the girls in Afghanistan are not connected to the Internet and are not familiar with the use of the Internet so it is useful for international organizations to provide seminars/ training for girls in this area so that girls can become familiar with the online system and technology

Online technology can be an alternative in afghanistan because online technology allows people in other countries to conduct their business from their homes, for example, Amazon is a good example, where people in most countries of the world conduct their business and earn income

Girls should be provided with a way of earning whether it is online or offline so that girls can generate their own personal expenses such as internet etc

Implement renewable energy solutions, such as solar panels, to provide consistent electricity supply to power digital devices in areas with unreliable electricity as an alternative energy power.

Idea :bulb:.
Set up local centers to provide digital literacy training for girls, teachers, and community members,

For girls, the devices that are necessary for online learning, such as a computer or a mobile phone.etc
Some international organization should cooperate in this area so that these devices are given to girls

Develop and implement training programs for teachers to enhance their skills in using digital devices.

Launch campaigns to highlight the importance of girls’ education and the benefits of online learning,

Village by village, trainings for girls should be organized by international organizations and they should also be presented by female teachers so that people can get to know them and leave their girls for online education

There should be meetings with national leaders and this issue should be discussed in that meeting
and these meetings should be held in every area
so that the consent of the people is taken and then practical action is taken

One of the main reasons behind the closure of the school is that the Taliban say that women are not allowed to study outside the home

The entrance examination is incomplete without the presence of girls.

And the other taliban say that islam has not allowed women to get modern education but this is not true, but in Islam, the rights of men and women are equal in the field of education

Absence of girls in entrance exam has hit the motivation of thousands of girls.

When the Taliban talk about Islam, while they themselves do not have the right knowledge and understanding of .
the religion. They are illiterate.