Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1I

Islamic countries can help us in this part they can provide us these services

Could you please what do you mean by NGO

In my opinion if taliban do not support by other countris they cant go forward

None governamental organizations

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Its great

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Now also we dont have good relationship with more countries

We must fight infront of this regim for acheving of our right we must give sacrifise to achive something for acheving of something we must lose one thing

The Taliban has faced significant challenges in governance and resource allocation since taking control of Afghanistan. Focusing on boys’ education may be seen as a more immediate priority in a context of limited resources, further marginalizing girls’ educational opportunities.

You do better than me the world don’t care about Afghanistan and do not hear our voice.

Good point

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Afghans girls can’t do any thing inside Afghanistan those people that they are out they have do something for Afghan girls

Its our respnosibility to convince the world that help us and lesson us

That a good idea what about those girls who don’t have access to internet and phones?

It would be a solution

We must high our voice here that they also help us there if we set quite so they also do not thing about us

Now inside of Afghanistan how the girls can raise their voice? To continue their higher education


Yes but here is a mean point, I can say that he international community should not support taliban until they don’t reopen the doors for girls and also they shouldn’t support and help them.

Okay Thanks

I would say that For girls without internet access, local community organizations and NGOs could help by spreading information about scholarships and assisting with applications. Setting up in-person support centers in safe areas could also be a way to reach them effectively.

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