Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1I

I say that for acheving of our right we must accept risk and do allover demonstration that all word listen our voice


I disagree. Just raising our voices isn’t enough. We need to take real actions and work with local and international groups to get support to those who need it.

Its the way that we can attract thier care to us


I agree with your opinion

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One solution is providing of online scholorships it means foreighn countries give us opportunity of online studying in thier universities

I want to said its responsibility of all men and women that help afghan girls and rescue them from this crisis satiuation caus its order of allah that learning of knowledge is obligation of men and women

Yes, online scholarships can be one of the solutions
Because girls can continue their education from home

Yeah your right


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Yeah I totally agree with you

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I agree. It is the responsibility of all to help Afghan girls and rescue them from their current crisis, as seeking knowledge is a duty for both men and women according to Allah.


How can we best get local and international communities to help Afghan girls get an education?
What do you think gys ?

Use social media, campaigns, and storytelling to highlight the challenges Afghan girls face in accessing education. Personal stories can resonate with global audiences and motivate them to take action.

One solution is to create local classes
to be established in villages with the agreement of the village head and families
And in some villages these classes still exist

As young and educated generation
We must work to demand the rights of our sisters and force the international community to react against this action of the current government of Afghanistan