Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1I

Yes, you are right
If the families give full support to the girls
Girls can continue their education online

It’s true that education isn’t fully provided, but some problems are being addressed. In this situation, it could be a partial solution.

They can compete their education with the helping of their families. And families should encourage them to continue their education

It can be exactly a solution
Currently, most of the religious schools in Kabul province are teaching with the same procedure

1- Taliban are not aware from benifits of knowledge
2- we must awre them that our country need for promotion

3-all women must fight against them

Of course it would be sove

It can be a solution. Currently, many religious schools in Kabul province are using this method for teaching.

Yes by education and improving their selve

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Well, in my opinion, there are two ways for girls to continue their education in such a situation
1 Online education
2 Continuing education in religious schools
I mean in religious schools in such a way that some topics are taught, for example, which is currently happening in some schools

Yes As I am aware of this if the villagers show lots of interest even local NGS will support them in any equipment.

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Yes, most religious schools follow the same method and the Taliban have nothing to do with such religious schools

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Yes your right

while education isn’t fully provided, using religious schools to teach standard subjects can be a practical solution, as it aligns with existing methods in places like Kabul. This approach helps address some of the educational challenges in the region.

Yes but Taliban don’t care about the education they care only the money

And we, as the young generation and the educated and literate people of the society, have the responsibility to provide comprehensive support to our sisters in continuing their education and make this a duty for us

And also different solution could be to develop mobile learning units that bring education directly to remote areas. These units could offer a range of subjects and provide interactive, hands-on learning experiences.

And to provide education for our sisters in any way possible

Yes education is not fully available but some how it’s good for current situation I wish it would all around the Afghanistan

It would be a possible way

I totally agree with you