Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

The government is against girls’ education, even if it is online, they don’t allow it

A valid document must be given for girls from online schools and universities that are outside of

Yes students will need a certified document for starting thier higher education

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is not against online education

Provide scholarships, subsidies, or financial aid to help families afford internet access and devices.

Collect and distribute donated laptops, tablets, or smartphones to girls in need.

Still it will bw very difficult to get fund and financial aid for students. I think making people paying for this project is very difficult

Encourage government policies that prioritize access to technology and digital literacy for girls.

It is not possible

Seek support from international organizations and donors to fund infrastructure development, training programs, and digital literacy initiatives.

Yes but we must to try

Facilitate collaboration among NGOs working on education, technology, and women’s empowerment to maximize impact.

These things that i mentioned ,they are the solutions

Of course

Of course

Yes we must try

Hello Everyone and good morning

As i see the group description, today we should discuss about these three questions:
What do you believe were the reasons behind the Taliban’s decision to close schools for women?
What key issues or factors supported the Taliban in making this decision?
What solutions do you propose to address and resolve these issues and help reopen schools for girls?