Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

So let’s start

decisions of the Taliban leader, it can be said that these decisions are directly related to the politics of the neighboring countries

The Taliban want to restrict women, but they are unaware that the women of today are not the women of twenty years ago

Hi guys good morning


Hello and good morning everyone

Thanks dear Firoza

Ok let’s start but I think we’ve already discussed about it

I don’t think so
In my opinion, this is a personal decision
He is the leader of the Taliban

Yes we should discuss again

In my opinion it is part of their culture, Taliban’s culture will not women to study or qork

Yeah but i think it has political reason

Even in most of their families women are worthless

They just behave like something that they possess and they are like teir servants

Yes, most people in our country have a Taliban mentality

Yes here it has political side as well

Yes unfortunately

Yes unfortunately

The probability is low
