Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

Limiting women’s access to education is one of the tools of social and political control that the Taliban uses to maintain its power

The Taliban should know that we Afghans will never be silent and we will fight for our rights, we will fight for the rights of our sisters and mothers, our slogan is that you should open the schools to facilitate the work environment for our sisters and mothers and we want cooperation from outside countries


Exactly, we will never be silent, no matter how much they want to limit us, we will find a way out of this impasse, with unity and solidarity, we can eradicate this challenge.

I think sooner or later the Taliban will accept that today’s women are women fighters and they cannot limit them and maybe they will be forced to open the doors of schools.

And I must remind you that not all the people of Afghanistan want schools to be opened, of course these people are the ones who think and cooperate with the Taliban, but those who are in favor of opening schools are very large, so if we want to open schools for girls May we never be afraid and defend our right to stand against the Taliban.

Of course, the international community should also cooperate with us so that we can stand against the oppression of the Taliban. This is a very big problem.

Most of the people of Afghanistan have a Taliban mentality, they consider schools and universities to be a place of corruption, to fight against these people, you have to work on their mentality, it is not an easy task, it takes time to make them understand the value of science and knowledge from the point of view of Islam.

Exactly today, when Afghan women need help, all international communities should stand by women

They know that Afghan women are very strong because they have seen many times that Afghan women took to the streets and defended their rights, but the Taliban beat many of our sisters so that they could silence them, but all these things of the Taliban cannot be done. Depriving Afghan women of demanding their rights.

Absolutely right

Yes, but I don’t know why they are silent, what secrets are hidden behind this case?

With their silence, the international communities prove that they are supporters of the Taliban


They don’t care that much

Their daughters did not experience the pain that comes from the hearts of Afghan girls


Yes but it seems that no one actually cares abiut us

Yes of course
