Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

It’s crucial to remember that the situation in Afghanistan is dynamic and requires ongoing monitoring and adaptation of strategies. A collaborative effort involving the international community, Afghan government, civil society organizations, and local communities is essential to ensure the right to education for Afghan girls.

We all hipe that things change soon

Afghanistan is in need of a responsible leader

Solution; Continued pressure from the international community, including sanctions and diplomatic isolation, can encourage the Taliban to reconsider their policies.

A leader who id supported by people



Other solution; Provide financial and logistical support to Afghan women and girls who are fighting for their right to education. This could include scholarships, safe houses, and training programs.

Explore alternative education options for Afghan girls, such as online learning platforms, home-based learning programs, and community-based education initiatives.

Foreign countries should never communicate with the Taliban until they are forced to open schools, some sanctions should be imposed on the Taliban, such as Cut off aid. Rejecting the Taliban ambassadors and still not recognizing the Taliban can be very helpful.

Collaborating with respected Islamic scholars who can advocate for girls’ education within an Islamic framework might persuade the Taliban that education for girls is compatible with their religious beliefs.

In addition to the fact that the international community gives girls the opportunity to learn, they should also give them the opportunity to work online, because currently all the girls in Afghanistan have lost their spirit.

Exactly these things can be very useful

Yes, to change the mindset of the Taliban, the best option is for religious scholars to negotiate with the Taliban and use verses and hadiths to convince the Taliban.

The world community should be aware. I want to tell you from my own experience that I saw and saw that I have a sister who tried very hard and studied hard when the schools were open and was always in competition, but now that the schools are closed, she has completely lost her spirit. Not only my sister, all Afghan girls are like this, please help Afghan girls (world community)

The international communities should not be silent and plan appropriate approaches for the current situation

Islamic scholars are afraid of the Taliban, they never raise their voices because the Taliban kill them. Here, anyone who speaks the truth will be killed or imprisoned

Just like your sister, thousands of girls lost their hopes and dreams, and even girls like me finished their studies with all their hopes and dreams and with the difficulties they faced, hoping to be able to work and serve their families and society. but unfortunately the Taliban took the right to work from them

You are right

Exactly, but how long should we be silent and why the international community is silent, why they do not defend the rights of Afghan girls