Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

Thank you so much, and yes we are hopeful for it.

Yeah I know i am agree with you :100:

Yes it build ways and connects people worldwide,

In my point of view this kind of discussions should be opened every month for women for raising the level of awareness in dari language too

The afghan girl are deprived, but they cannot perform their duty, and there are no key factors that the Taliban support, they just say wait for the second thing, they say that we should make laws that Afghan women can implement.

Yes it would be good, but more important than this discussions is putting this ideas on strategy making desk and policy makers. ideas will never worth if it is not practical.

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Positive effects of technology on youth. Some of the positive effects include creating job opportunities, increasing awareness and access to information, and facilitating social connections.

I think nowadays there are a lot of online works too that girls can participate

Yes you are right, besides online classes providing inline jobs for women is also vital and equally important.

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Yes for sure

Yeah we can make a practical parts too and set them a bonus everyone could do it true online system
Like Google classroom that we set a time for a homework after that time we couldn’t upload our homework

Yes but it should be for all categories and for all provinces. and the vacancies should be much.

We can continue our studies online, for example, we can use programs such as Google Meet, Zoom and other programs this is a good choice fot now days

Yes friends plese come and discuss about ihis issue that the Taliban is supported by who makes this decision, can this decision of the Taliban affect the education of women in Afghanistan or no?

Dear friends, let's delve into an important discussion about the Taliban's decisions impacting women's education in Afghanistan. Who supports these policies, and how do they influence Afghan women's educational opportunities? Your insights are valuable in understanding and addressing these critical issues. Join the conversation and contribute to finding solutions for ensuring continuous learning and empowerment. Together, we can make a difference! 🌟

I am agree with you :100:

! It is acceptable that the Taliban are afraid of educated women because they do not want women to progress in a patriarchal society, they want women to stay at home and drop out of school because they are a challenge to their authority and power. Empowering women through online education can increase empowerment and promote equality, which Kent emphasizes the importance of our support for women’s rights and education, and ensuring that Afghan women have opportunities to learn and progress. Afghan women will continue their education, they will never stop their progress and they don’t want to live under the unbelievable laws of the Taliban.

In my opinion, yes, the decisions of the Taliban today are very effective for the women of Afghanistan, because the government of Afghanistan is theirs, if they do not open the schools, it would be really difficult for the women of Afghanistan.maybe online education has alot of advantages but maybe some one can not access to technology.

Online education can be a powerful tool for empowering the women of Afghan now. With the global support of international organizations and the people’s support for girls’ rights, we can have a more literate and independent society. Your and our positive views are inspiring, and we Afghan girls believe that our continued struggle against the decisions of the Taliban and the international pressure of the countries Azad and Derivatel will help to solve this problem for a brighter future. We will continue our fight

People should not allow this decision of the Taliban to have bad effects on the future of the youth of this country, there should be a solution.