Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

All people of Afghanistan are not agree with this decision of Taliban but they can’t say anything because of their security.
People of Afghanistan now knows that the learning knowledge is important than everything for their boys and girls now they have an open mind and know that it will be a bad disaster in future
They always tries to make the future of their boys and girls.

i am agree with you All the people of Afghanistan do not agree with the decision of the Taliban, they do not accept it, they are also fighting, they want other governments to hear their voices and give them their rights, but they cannot say anything because of security. They are afraid of their lives and property so that they are not harmed, so that their property and life are not violated
The people of Afghanistan, even the Taliban, know that education is the most important thing for their sons and daughters, but I don’t know what the Taliban’s policy will benefit them if they don’t let Afghan girls get an education. The people of Afghanistan are open-minded and know that illiteracy in Afghanistan will be a bad future. . For the next generation, Afghan people always try to build the future of their sons and daughters. Because of the progress of the country

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Me too, I think all people are not agree with their decisions because over 20 years every family worked hard and they will not compromise it

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I do agree and you have mentioned a very good view. not all Afghans have the same mindset as taliban they are now more brighter and more open-minded.

Yes we can see the effect within three years that there is a lack of female staff in different sectors and girls are all disappointed and hopeless.

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Yeah it affected in their minds,and they are very hopeless from their future

Yes, if we want, then there are many ways to reach the goal and learn education


In today’s era, the Internet opens new doors for the education of Afghan girls, even in oppressive conditions. And they can continue to breed if face-to-face schools are closed to women, if this work of the Taliban continues for years, we will never stop trying, we will continue our education online. Online education can act as a progress.

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appropriate devices and digital skills training, we can empower Afghan women to continue their educational journeys. Afghanistan is facing many challenges. that no government can block them. And we women are denied the right to education.

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Today’s world has made a lot of progress in terms of technology, in the field of online teaching, which can be the next option for women to continue their education. We know that the majority of the people of Afghanistan have access to the Internet and technology, and this is the only solution that we women can continue our education. let’s continue


Nowadays internet is the most used source of information in the world and everyone can use it freely and learn from it and it help us,in every field and could be one of best and the main learning source

Yes dear exactly it,s very important.
that we should try to get many benefits from technology, exactly technology has positive and negative effects, but we should use its positive effects.

Yeah i am agree with you :100:

You are right today it is the era of technology and information and internet is the most used and powerful source of it.

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Yes, today the Internet is the most used and we can get a lot of information about anything through the Internet. If today we cannot go to school and ask our teachers something, then we have access to the Internet and we can solve our problems from there, like Google and Chrome.
yes after the arrival of the Taliban, I always continued my education online, so today my teacher is missing Google and Chrome.

Lets discuss about online works have you ever had or do any online work ???

Yes, in my opinion, studying online and working online is very useful, especially for Afghan women, because it is difficult for women to work outside, so online is the best option.

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Empowering women through online education can increase empowerment and promote equality, which Kent emphasizes the importance of our support for women’s rights and education, and ensuring that Afghan women have opportunities to learn and progress. Afghan women will continue their education, they will never stop their progress and they don’t want to live under the unbelievable laws of the Taliban.

Yes it is the best way for working to work online


And today, we have many active women in our country who, despite all these problems, have not stopped trying and have continued their studies, for example, during the first Taliban regime, women were behind work, so studying secretly is still one of the honors. Society is like Simasmer and other active women in society, and today we have full access to the Internet, so we must continue our education.