Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

Yes, I agree. Nowadays, our country has many active women who, despite all these problems, do not stop trying and continue to study. At any time, no matter what difficult conditions come, women were behind the work and continue to study, no matter what. The Taliban don’t allow them to go to schools, but they still achieve their dreams online

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Yes Yes, they are great examples for all the women of Afghanistan.

appropriate devices and digital skills training, we can empower Afghan women to continue their educational journeys. Afghanistan is facing many challenges. that no government can block them. And we women are denied the right to education.

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Before coming the Taliban’s women work in every field they have been free to work and learn and it was a good improve for our country but after coming the Taliban women lost there freedom

Precisely, before coming, Taliban women worked in the field of teaching offices and of domestic and foreign institutions, and they were free to work and learn and teach, and this was a good development for our country, but after the arrival of the Taliban, the women of freedom They lost themselves and stopped studying.

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Yes some women was the only person of their family that provide the household expenses and after that they faced a lot of financial problems

So, every family should support their girls in the field of learning and let them to learn
If families don’t support their girls they can’t do anything without support of them

The people are not the same like 20 years ago that don’t let them for learning except some families that they don’t know the value of learning

We have to try not to accept this decisions all the time we,should stand against them and not let them to get our freedom more than this

If we come together and be one hand with,each other no one will be against us and no one will make this decisions

Women are the half of our society and they will participate in every field as work, learn and teach they can be participate in the devolepment of our country

I have read all of your comments friends and I learned so much from you and it’s a good experience for me

It was a good day with you friends
Good bye
See you tomorrow

Hello and good morning everyone. welcome to the day three of discussion.

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Hello everyone good morning i hope you are doing well


Hi to all !
i hope all of you be ok and well.
i am happy that today we have another opportunity to discuss and benefit from each other’s opinions .


According to past two days of discussion about the reasons behind the Taliban’s decision to close schools for women, there were several key topics and key reasons discussed like: Taliban banned education for women in Afghanistan for their own benefits and to avoid educated women in order not to be concluded on government and decision making.

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Today we will talk about five real comments and I will write about five concluding comments.

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