Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

Yes, friends, we had discussions for two days that were really very useful and we were able to understand a lot of useful information. I hope we can provide useful information to each other today.

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The other reason can be their thoughts and ideology; for what they fought almost two decades are restricted men stablished government, they have born, raised and growth on that environment and believe that women are just for house works and should remain under four pillars of home. they believe that women do not need education and education brings deception.

In the last two days, several reasons were discussed regarding the Taliban’s decision to close schools and universities for women’s education in Afghanistan; Especially the Taliban banned the education of women in Afghanistan for their own interests and to prevent educated women.


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Another reason could be they banned education because for international community and united nations human and women rights are the priority topics so they are putting pressure on women to actually put pressure on international community actually. and they demand concessions at the negotiating table by putting pressure on Afghan women.

women are half of society and most of the struggles and development during past two decades were women rights and education and human rights; organizations, countries, United nations have created and implemented several programs, polices and millions of Doller to advocate, make and implement this policies, so the tlbs wants to show all this efforts useless and a waste, so they only thing that they can do is banning education, and violating their rights.

Yes last day we sayed the reason behind the Taliban,s decision to close schools for women.
and i want to say that we don’t know the main reason for the Taliban’s decisions, but this decision is very difficult and unacceptable for Afghan women, and we have also considered ways through which we can progress, which is online lessons.

Tlbs wants to be recognized by international community and they put restriction on women to put pressure on international community to recognize them other wise they can do anything. that’s why they made decisions to ban education on women.

Another reason could be their Taliban policies. Tatalban were born in that environment, and grew up in that environment, where there was neither school nor education, and they believe that women are only for housework and should raise children. They say that women do not need to be educated. They don’t need to work.

As we talked about what are the key reasons of closing schools and universitystrong text for women we discussed about several issue like
1.Taliban ideological that they think that girls shouldn’t go for learning and that is not necessary for them.
2.Political reasons that actually no one know that what is behind it this decision.
3.it could be that they don’t want the boys and girls together in one class or not being of a separate class for women’s as their thoughts

Yes they have made that thought that women is for house and birth and they believe that women can not do anything other than house works. that is a norm for them.

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It could be a lot of reasons like that we can say they are not open minded and their thoughts and minds are like 20 years ago and they don’t changed

The women in whole world are working in every field they work like a doctor a politician an engineering and they are success in their works and they can work better than mans

yes, in my opinion, the Taliban are still the same Taliban of 20 years ago and they will never change, unfortunately😢

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But in Afghanistan that is not like that because of Taliban taughts as you said they think that women is for he for baby for cooking they think like the past and they didn’t changed

Yeah but in doctor najeeb and MOHAMMAD zaher shah time Afghanistan was like an European country it was a devoleped country people of other countries come to Afghanistan in scholarships in Kabul university.

Unfortunately the wars in this 40 year affects to all fields and make the Afghanistan a back warded country

Yes during 40 years it was never a comprehensive peace and it didn’t let us to develop and work well.

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Yes, but the Taliban understands from today that women are not only for cooking and housekeeping, they do not want Afghanistan to progress and women to be educated.

Yes, in Afghanistan, there are different governments from all ethnic groups, but the enemies of Afghanistan never allowed this country to progress.