Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

Exactly the only announcements and policy they are putting during this three years is about women, they do not have any other specific work to do. they are only enemies to women.

It is acceptable that the Taliban are afraid of educated women because they do not want women to progress in a patriarchal society, they want women to stay at home and drop out of school because they are a challenge to their authority and power. Empowering women through online education can increase empowerment and promote equality, which Kent emphasizes the importance of our support for women’s rights and education, and ensuring that Afghan women have opportunities to learn and progress. Afghan women will continue their education, they will never stop their progress and they don’t want to live under the unbelievable laws of the Taliban.

But the people of afghnistan are not the same like 20 or 40 years ago they know about the human rights and about women wights about the value af knowledge and they will not let anyone to catch their rights again

But we have a lot way that can improve although
we can not go to school so we have another way like today we have access to internet.
Yes, women can improve significantly through online education. Online education provides a variety of learning opportunities and resources that can help women develop their skills and knowledge without the need to physically attend educational locations. This method of education is especially useful for those who cannot go to face-to-face classes regularly due to various reasons, including access problems or family obligations.

In my point of view
If we create this kind of discussion for women that they don’t know about their rights like women’s that are in the villages
It will be good for their minds and they will know about their rights

My main we should create courses in their villages will not if the government let them as we know that they never let this kind of course

I do agree with you, awareness play a very vital role. if everyone would be aware from their rights nobody can force them.

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I want to say why today women in our society, especially in Afghanistan, are so insulted and deprived of their rights, because everyone thinks women are weak, but women have never been weak, and they never were, and we are showing this today. Women are not weak.

Absolutely, I wholeheartedly support your sentiment! Women in Afghanistan, and everywhere, have always possessed remarkable strength. It’s essential to challenge and change these outdated perceptions. Empowering women through education and opportunities will show the world just how strong and capable women truly are. Women are indeed not weak; they are powerful change-makers.


The afghan girl are deprived, but they cannot perform their duty, and there are no key factors that the Taliban support, they just say wait for the second thing, they say that we should make laws that Afghan women can implement.

The afghan girl are deprived, but they cannot perform their duty, and there are no key factors that the Taliban support, they just say wait for the second thing, they say that we should make laws that Afghan women can implement.

Of course if everyone know that what is a human are a women rights no one can stand in front of him or her no one can stop them from learning and working

Ah, your concern is very valid. Despite the Taliban’s restrictive policies, Afghan women’s determination to pursue education must not be overlooked. Innovative solutions like online learning, subsidized internet, and affordable devices are crucial. Global advocacy and conditional recognition of the Taliban are essential to improve women’s rights. The resilience of Afghan women in overcoming these barriers is inspiring and should be continuously supported and celebrated. Let’s keep fostering hope and progress!

Yes they are losing their time simply by waiting for announcements and for a change.

Yes, today, as everyone can see, Afghan women are deprived of education, but the day will come when everyone will witness the progress and growth of Afghan women, because today technology has advanced and everyone has access to technology. And we can learn science in any way. Yes any thanks is not impossible today.

Absolutely! While waiting is frustrating, it’s crucial to leverage online education and technology now. With global support, better infrastructure, and practical online solutions, Afghan women can continue their educational journey. Their resilience deserves our collective advocacy and action. Let’s empower them together!

Women are not weak but in Afghanistan they sacred from their lives because if they do anything they will be in danger
There is not someone to support them are they don’t have a supporter that stand behind them

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Absolutely, Afghan women have shown incredible resilience despite the dangers they face. Global support and advocacy are essential to provide them with the necessary educational resources and protection. Online learning and innovative methods, supported by the international community, can empower them to pursue their education safely. We must stand behind them and ensure they have the support they need.

Even now providing online education is late, who is responsible for their three years?
even now there is not any aim to provide online education everyone just talks about it nobody take action.

Yes, the use of technology today is very useful and otherwise it is very easy, so let’s use technology today to continue our education and improve the situation of our country.