Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

The only solution to this problem in my opinion: Currently, the teaching method in Afghanistan is very weak, not only for girls, but also for boys. Now schools, universities and other educational institutions are closed for Afghan girls. We can use a method of teaching through technology or smart phones. If we cannot continue in person, we can continue our education online.

Ah, what an insightful perspective you’ve shared! I wholeheartedly agree that leveraging technology and smartphones for education can be a powerful solution, especially given the current closures. Online education could indeed be a beacon of hope for Afghan girls and boys, ensuring that learning continues despite the challenges. Let’s strive to make this vision a reality!

Yeah I am agree with you it could be a solution that take Taliban under pressure and don’t know them as a government

Absolutely! Leveraging technology for online education can indeed pressure the Taliban and challenge their restrictive policies. Enhancing digital access, advocating globally, and implementing innovative solutions can ensure Afghan women continue their education despite the hurdles. It’s crucial that we all stand together in support of their educational rights. :star2:

Online education is a solution for girls because they can’t go to school and university
But the affect of face to face learning is more than online and as you said the system, is not good for boys too the system should be updated

For sure, not everyone living in Afghanistan has the same believe as the government do. we all have our believes, norms and values and the world should see it and consider it.

Yes but one of the solve this problem is thisThe issue of opening schools by the Taliban is related to complex political, social and cultural issues. One of the solutions can include interaction and dialogue with the international community and domestic groups to create pressure and provide suitable conditions for the reopening of schools. Also, trying to get support from local institutions and international organizations in order to guarantee education and improve educational conditions can also be useful.

In my opinion Online education can be a powerful tool for empowering the women of Afghan now. With the global support of international organizations and the people’s support for girls’ rights, we can have a more literate and independent society. Your and our positive views are inspiring, and we Afghan girls believe that our continued struggle against the decisions of the Taliban and the international pressure of the countries Azad and Derivatel will help to solve this problem for a brighter future. We will continue our fight.

Yes, and should not only ensure safety and educational opportunities, but also job opportunities and facilities and respect to them is also very important.

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Online education is good, home schools are good but lets advocacy for our right!
gaining knowledge and attending to educational sectors like schools and universities are our fundamental rights so why should we beg it?

online education can be a temporary replace, but will never will be replaced to in-person opportunities. otherwise it’s sequences will be very bad.

I am agree with you
They should create job opportunity for all the people men women because all people have financial problems now days and they need to work

In today’s era, the Internet opens new doors for the education of Afghan girls, even in oppressive conditions. And they can continue to breed if face-to-face schools are closed to women, if this work of the Taliban continues for years, we will never stop trying, we will continue our education online. Online education can act as a progress. , appropriate devices and digital skills training, we can empower Afghan women to continue their educational journeys. Afghanistan is facing many challenges. that no government can block them. And we women are denied the right to education.

Internet is the only way and the only solutions for this problem it depends in our aim and what we want and how we use it

Yes without working opportunities education will be meaningless, why should people learn and go to schools or universities if they could not have a job!

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Yes socail media has positive effect and negative effect and we sould try use positive points and also i think positive effect is a lot.

exactly, online system can solve the problem if it mange well, and if there would not occur any fraud so it will solve a part of today’s problem and crisis.

Exactly, online systems can be a powerful tool to mitigate the educational crisis in Afghanistan if managed properly. Ensuring transparency and security can prevent fraud and make a significant impact. The key is to build robust infrastructure, provide necessary devices, and offer digital skills training. Global advocacy and international pressure will also play crucial roles in supporting Afghan women’s educational rights. Let’s stay hopeful and committed to innovative solutions.

Yes you are right sir I have graduated from university but still I don’t have a job

Congratulations on your graduation! It’s challenging without a job, but your education is a powerful tool. Keep persevering, and consider exploring online opportunities or furthering your skills. Your resilience is inspiring, and your future is bright. Stay positive!

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