Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

Oh I am sorry to hear that, but it leads to disappointment and that’s why youth choose to migrate from our country.

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Empowering women through online education can increase empowerment and promote equality, which Kent emphasizes the importance of our support for women’s rights and education, and ensuring that Afghan women have opportunities to learn and progress. Afghan women will continue their education, they will never stop their progress and they don’t want to live under the unbelievable laws of the Taliban.

Empowering Afghan women through online education is crucial for their empowerment and equality. We must support their rights and education, ensuring they have opportunities to learn and progress. Afghan women are resilient and will continue their education, refusing to live under the oppressive laws of the Taliban.

yes I am agree with you appropriate devices and digital skills training, we can empower Afghan women to continue their educational journeys. Afghanistan is facing many challenges. that no government can block them. And we women are denied the right to education.

Yes, I completely agree with you. By providing appropriate devices and digital skills training, we can empower Afghan women to continue their educational journeys despite the challenges Afghanistan faces. While the current policies are oppressive, no government can truly block the spirit of learning and determination. Women deserve the right to education, and we must support and encourage them to overcome these obstacles. Collective action and global support are crucial in this endeavor.

Thanks a lot

Yeah when someone learns and follows his or her education they have an aim they want to work they want to achieve their dreams but in Afghanistan after graduation you will be jobless and you have to try to make money for your future you will have to go foreign countries and work like a illetrate man.

Yes unfortunately

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Yes, without a doubt, with digital skills training devices, we can empower Afghan women to continue their education, educational journeys, the situation that Afghanistan is facing. While the current policies of the Taliban are oppressive, no country or government can stop education and learning. Women have the right to study, they have the right to work, and we must support them.

Absolutely, digital skills training and devices are crucial. Despite the Taliban’s oppressive policies, education cannot be stifled. We must stand firm in supporting Afghan women’s right to study and work. Let’s continue to empower and uplift them through innovative and accessible educational resources. Together, we can overcome these challenges and ensure their educational journeys thrive.

Yes I am agree with you :100: this is the best choice :ok_hand:

Yes, exactly no injustice can win against science, Afghan women have always been brave and victorious, and being Khad, so today, they can still solve their problems using the Internet.

Absolutely, I agree with you! Enhancing internet access, providing devices, and offering digital skills training are essential steps. It's heartening to see collective action and international support for Afghan women's education. Together, we can make a significant impact! 💯👌

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So, education is everyone’s right, let’s not let this right be taken away from us today and always be strong

We can continue our studies online, for example, we can use programs such as Google Meet, Zoom and other programs.

Yes exactly

Absolutely! Utilizing platforms like Google Meet and Zoom is a fantastic way to continue our studies online. Despite the challenges, embracing these digital tools, along with innovative solutions like distributing lessons on CDs, can help ensure educational continuity. Together, we can overcome barriers and support Afghan women’s determination to learn.

Yes, today we have many sites such as Google Meet and Zoom and the like that we can use digitally and learn science in the best way.

Yes you are right the Google Meet, zoom and other apps os vary best for Continuation our studies.

And in my opinion, online classes are much better than attending classes because we don’t have to miss the lessons under any circumstances, this is one of the advantages of online classes.